Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Beginning

As the planning stages of my solo cross-country trip continue, I created this blog to document my travels beginning on May 27.  First off, please forgive me any boring or otherwise lame posts, as I have never done the blogging thing before.  I hope to keep posts short and sweet-- a picture or two with just enough text to let you know where I am and what I'm up to as I journey across the U.S.  There's not much of a plan, so much as a list of places I'd love to see!  The map below shows my proposed route:

A couple of notes about my route: (1) I know it looks like I'm passing right through Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, but I actually spent a good deal of time touring those states last summer.  This trip is generally intended to see parts of the U.S. I've not visited before.  (2) How much of this route is completed will be directly proportional to how well I stick to my budget.  

So...look forward to my first real post next week (!!) when I set out on my own in the Corolla for an adventure (east and then) west and back!


dw_ross said...

10K miles = 633.6 million inches. On a scale of 1 inch = 1 year, your journey will begin in the late Precambrian and end today. Life around you in the first 92 million inches will be limited to single-celled and a few Ediacaran multi-cellular forms. Our domestication of plants & animals occurs about 1,000 feet before the end of your journey. May all your obstacles be surmountable.

Sally said...

I love you! Will send cash if needed! Have fun! I'll miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

Gregory Misner said...

Woohoo! Have fun Rachel! This will be fun to keep track of!

Anonymous said...

Be safe and carefull. Looking forward to your posts.