Thursday, July 7, 2011

3 Parks in 2 Days

Tuesday afternoon I made my way toward the Moab, Utah area.  There are two national parks (Canyonlands and Arches) here, as well as Dead Horse Point State Park, and I visited all of them.  I would definitely love to return to this area in the future, but not in the dead of summer.  It is brutally hot, and shade is hard to come by.


Wednesday began early at dawn.  I packed up my tent and headed to Dead Horse Point State Park.  A big thanks to Dr. Moecher for the suggestion here, as I likely wouldn't have stopped otherwise:

After a hike around the rim, I drove south to Arches National Park.  Arches was the park that started the whole road trip idea, so it seems a little silly that I only spent half of a day there, but really it's not a very big place.  And I certainly packed a LOT into those 8 hours.  Here are the highlights:

Park Avenue

Balanced Rock

The Windows

Turret Arch

Landscape Arch (the largest one-- nearly a footfall field wide)

...And Delicate Arch, by far my favorite.

It's a pain getting to Delicate Arch, but it is just gorgeous.  (Truthfully, I had to take a little catnap in the shade before hiking up because I was so zapped from the heat.)  You don't see the arch until the very last moment of the hike, and I enjoyed sitting at the top listening to people's reactions change from out of breath grumbling to awe as they rounded the curve.  

But wow-- it really is just inspiring when the late afternoon sun hits it.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you went to Canyonlands- all your pictures are gorgeous! Makes me wanna go back. :)

Sally said...

Beautiful! But by now, aren't you sort of wishing for some green?

Gregory Misner said...

Amazing!! Judy, Nick B, and I say "hey"! Amazing pictures, and beautiful landscapes. Good job with those hikes and dealing with the heat! Stay safe, and remember we love you! :)

Bill Campbell said...

Beautiful pictures all--but do you have to sit so close to the edge?

Rach said...

I don't know if you all ever go back and look to see if I've responded to your comments, but if you do...

Mom: I'm a geologist. I like the rocky landscapes. Besides, I saw lots of green in California.

Jordan: I wish I had more time than the one evening to spend in Canyonlands. Let's go back and go backpacking down in the canyon!

Anonymous said...

Bill beat me to it so I won't say it...The scenery is beautiful but not as beautiful as You! I think when I have my sailboat built I will have to sail to all of these places!

Alan said...

Rachel, when I was at Dead Horse Point, I climbed over the wall but didn't have the nerve to sit all the way out on the ledge. I stopped off there driving back from my field camp in Cedar City in 1984. There weren't any campsites left open at Arches, and I didn't have any camping gear anyway, so I just slept in my car in the parking lot next to the overlook. I'm delighted you've been able to see so much more than I did!