Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nashville, TN to Fayetteville, AR

After breakfast in Nashville, I headed back to I-40 for another long day of driving.  I stopped in Memphis for a BBQ sandwich along Beale Street...

After a short walk along the riverfront in the 95 degree heat, I headed back to the car to finish my drive to Fayetteville.  I'm told my niece, Sadie, was very excited to see me, but she decided to play the shy game when I got here.  If last Thanksgiving was any indication, though, we'll be best buds again by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Yay! BB King and Beale St! Give Sadie and Norah a kiss for me. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Trip so far sounds fantastic! Good food, family and friends. Did NOT recognize your Dad! Jeanne