Friday, June 24, 2011


Mostly this post will be an array of photos of the impressive waterfalls that I visited/was soaked by during my visit to Yosemite.

Upper Yosemite Falls

Lower Yosemite Falls 

Half Dome (no waterfall here)

Vernal Falls

Vernal Falls, a closer view

Why I was soaked to the skin at Vernal Falls (twice)

At the end of the Vernal Falls/Nevada Falls hike

Part of a rock cairn garden I found 

Mirror Lake

Yosemite Valley as seen from Tunnel View

If you missed it, don't forget to read the Driving Through Sierra Nevada post below!


Bill Campbell said...

I am so glad you are at Yosemite when it is so beautiful. I spent much time there as a youth hiking, looking, following John Muir's steps (well, a few of them). Your lovely pictures and lovely spirit bring back so much that remains dear to my own spirit. Thanks, Rachel

Anonymous said...

Rachel, the west is much more beautiful now than it was in 1969...(joke) Are you going to publish your photo journal?! I am truly amazed with the loveliness of it all!! Love--Dad

Anonymous said...

We have seen mirror lake when there was no water. Not the case when you were there. You sure had a lovely day and took good advantage of it.
.....Larry and Sue

Anonymous said...

I have was in Yosemite about 30 years ago but I don't remember it being so totally awesome. Your photos are amazing. Aunt Jeanne

Sally said...

Yay Rachel! So glad you're having this totally awesome experience and sharing it with us. I MUST get to Yosemite one day. Love you!!

Us said...

That place is seriously beautiful. I'm pretty sure I remember going when I was little, but I'm going to have to go again.